A one hour all independent music show on Free Radio Santa Cruz 101.1 FM Streaming live at www.freakradio.org Music for musicians by musicians. Submit your music! Tuesdays 7-8pm

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Feter McBlues On Free Radio Santa Cruz

We are proud to have feature Feter McBlues on Free Radio Santa. Feter makes music that truly breaks down borders. Feter collaborates daily with other musicians around the globe from Syria.


Feter fled to Syria after the war broke out in Iraq. His dream after loosing everything to the war and forced to flee Iraq for his own safety, to come to America. He has a deep love for 60's music, folk, blues, rock and classical. He has over 70 songs on Macjams.

Feter is a rare forgiving compassionate person I am proud to have as a new friend. He has consistently reminded and reinforced how small this world truly is to me. His attitude and optimism is truly something that amazes me.

Feter is working on a new CD due to come out in 2010, a collection of folk songs with a special flavor, Feter and Roxy Lee 'Love Love Love'

There are dozens of collaborators on the hour of music below. although we mention many of them, there was no time to mention them all. I will be adding a list of tracks and all the collaborators over the next 24 hours as well as links to every song. Enjoy!'

Archive is Below. Crank up the Volume!!

You can download the archive Click here, or just hover your mouse over either link and hit "Save Link" -- or listen below. I will be adding the show to our regular archives very soon.

Peace out all
Tim and Coral


  1. Wow, that was a really great show. I likes last weeks but was awe struck hearing this. Your right, knowing he is from the very country we attacked makes the world seem much smaller. Thanks for a great show and playing things we would never hear on regular radio.

    Thank you Feter and I wish you the best in coming here. Is there anything we the public can do to help? Not sure... write letters. Anything?
    Paul R

  2. I just want to say 'Amen' to the prayer and hope of my long-distance friend Feter. May he find his way to America. He is a wonderful individual, a true lover of music and mankind. And I count myself blessed to have made long-distance-music with him over these last several years at MacJams.com.

    Feter, you convey a spirit of love and genuineness with your unique "Feter McBlues music."

    God bless you my friend...

  3. Thank you for interviewing my friend Feter for this show. I really enjoy our collabs and I'm glad his music is being heard. W are all praying for him to be able to settle in the US soon and begin a new life, filled with love and song. MacJams makes it possible for musicians from all over the world to write songs and sing together. McBlues, you're a constant friend and encourager there, and we are all rooting for you.

  4. Thank you for showcasing Feter's music. He is a good friend to my family, and teacher on all things musical. Turan

  5. Beautiful. Nice show. I truly enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing Feter's music. He is a true gentle man. Praying that Feter makes it to the US to make his life and music here in peace.

  6. WOW, Never have I had so many comments from one show so fast. And, it doesn't surprise me. Feter has touched so many people. Shows me even more how small the world is. He will have no lack of contacts and great friends once he gets here! I was more than happy to put the show on. It will get rebroadcast and I will be fixing it up a bit before hand. We have to broadcast partially live during our hour. Later we can sharpen them up and rebroadcast them many times during open time. Thanks everyone. Paul asked what we can do... Pray or whatever you do on that front for now. I know he is very touched by all the comments. I got a few emails from local listeners too. Peace All!

  7. That Feter guy rocked it hard. You should have more of that guy and those dudes from that MacJams website!

  8. Feter,
    Your constant encouragement to others and help with their music will come back to you man. I am so glad that you are being showcased and others will get to share your talent.

  9. great to see so many nice comments.We will and have had other macjamers on. Feel free to send in songs, we like that! Not all shows feature one musician. So don't worry about not having an hour of music, were always looking for new independent music. So please send in anything ya like.
    peace folks


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