Christian Raphael just sent this out via e-mail to Coral. Were glad he passed it on. He did not ask us to post this. This we are proud to post and hope you take these words to heart. This is what part of what music and this show is about. He speaks of collaborating in a sense, as many of you do to make your music.
Christian Raphael & Songs That Really Happened
Good evening good people around the world. As a reminder, the purpose of Free Downloads of “Songs That Really Happened”™ is to spread positive vibes around the planet at ZERO cost to the listener. That’s right, NO COST to the listener. You will never be spammed.Peace
Christian Raphael & Songs That Really Happened
This is a major 180-degree difference between what we are doing and what the major record labels are doing. We can do this for free because our overhead costs are next to nothing.
Just Imagine, if one itty bitty bit of a lyric from “Songs That Really Happened” ™ inspired someone to do something positive for someone else, and they caught the idea that it was GIVEN to them at zero cost, then slowly the over-all calibration of the human goodness quotient would rise, and we’d start a chain reaction of goodness that couldn’t be stopped. It's like people helping people helping people. Geeez, what a concept.
I am asking for your help—no I do not want money. What I want is for each of you to invite at least 10 people to join, and go out and download “Songs That Really Happened” ™. Tell them to invite at least 10 of their friends to do so too.
So far, “Songs That Really Happened” ™ have been downloaded in over 65 Countries around the world. Keep checking back on the home page of the group for new updates. The group has been running for about 6 months now.
Have a wonderful day friend, and go do something nice for a stranger (where I come from we call them a friend we’ve yet to meet).
Free downloads can be had at http://www.christianraphael.com/freedownload.htm