The Tangerine Dream Team
We were invited to be on a podcast by jl, who has a great show, Mugshots. We were proud to participate. Here is the show. Enjoy! Thanks Jl and all the great listeners. I had a great time. We look forward to working more of the many musicians who have responded already. You can tune into Mugshots yourself every week! Links to the show and schedule are posted on the right sidebar. Jl supports independent music for free, and we applaud his efforts. He is also a damn good musician.
We were invited to be on a podcast by jl, who has a great show, Mugshots. We were proud to participate. Here is the show. Enjoy! Thanks Jl and all the great listeners. I had a great time. We look forward to working more of the many musicians who have responded already. You can tune into Mugshots yourself every week! Links to the show and schedule are posted on the right sidebar. Jl supports independent music for free, and we applaud his efforts. He is also a damn good musician.
Great show Tim & Coral!!! Wow things moving fast yeah? Cool show ill try and tune in again. JL, another independent music supporter! That is very cool. Gain some weight back Tim, don't blow away on us!
yeah i know... opps there i go... blowing away.
Yes jl is the real deal. Great guy. thanks... i think...
Looking forward to working with Tim in the future, and getting some jam time in.
Me too jl!!! It's going to be rough two weeks here on my end. I have to go to LA a week from this wed for 5 days to help my mother who is going in for a very... Gnarly procedure. My brother in law is also going in for a second spinal surgery tomorrow so I have to take care of the ranch etc. So things will be a bit hectic although I will be online from in LA. and should not miss any shows. Thanks for all your help and the show!