A one hour all independent music show on Free Radio Santa Cruz 101.1 FM Streaming live at www.freakradio.org Music for musicians by musicians. Submit your music! Tuesdays 7-8pm

Friday, October 23, 2009

Upcoming show - Tuesday Oct 27th

This next Tuesday we will be featuring the music of Mauro. He did a great job and sent in this graphic above as well as a many new songs I was happy to receive. He will also be a call in guest. We played two songs of Mauro's in past shows "Winds" and "Birds of Pray". We look forward to talking with him and exploring his music and his life in depth this Tuesday.

"I am a multi-media artist, making my living creating music, videos, graphics. I am the editor and publisher of First Issues, a people’s newspaper publication. I also founded and sit on the board of SOL Communications Inc, a non-profit dedicated to raising environmental and social awareness and executing on the ground activism to defend the natural world. I currently live off the grid in an ever increasing sustainable way...farming my family’s food and creating our own power (hydro-electric). My websites include:
Here is a link to Mauro's youtube channel“gomauro”, where about 15 of his videos reside.


  1. I saw my friend Laureen in there about three times! Thanks Tenderfoot. and of course, the movie maker, Sundancer, Mauro , in there. Very very peaceful Aho!

  2. You played a bit of Mauro before & remember I enjoyed it and it stuck with me. I look forward to hearing more! I like the featuring of one artist.
    Keep up the good work.

  3. Caught your show for the first time tonight. I enjoyed the music and the powerful words of wisdom from Mauro.
    Good job folks!
    Ted SF


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